Early Stage Growth
Commercialising products and services for strong early stage growth is achievable.
Let’s See If We’ve Understood You Right…
For all businesses in early stage growth, there is more to do than you can possibly fit into a day, and it happens like that every day. We started Argonyx from the ground up so know from first-hand experience what the early months and years are like.
You might have started out building a great product and then realised you have very little in house commercialisation or go-to-market expertise which you need to get the returns you want.
So how do you subdue the chaos of this early stage?
When cash flow is tight, you need quick wins. Some runs on the board to keep investors happy and to boost that pool of diminishing funds.
Your choice of suppliers, and man are there a lot of choices of suppliers, is critically important. You need partners to support you and assist with your growth, not transactional engagements.
tresponsibilities and if one of them is hit by a bus (God forbid!) it could cause some serious issues. At the moment you are probably not seeing full leverage where you are getting results that are greater than the sum of the parts because you are still building momentum. You need to grow quickly.